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2010 Supreme Court Preview

Each year, the W&L Law chapter of the American Constitution Society sponsors a Supreme Court Preview, where law faculty discuss some of the key cases on the U.S. Supreme Court docket for the upcoming term. During the panel discussion, W&L professors frame the important issues of the case and explain the routes the cases took through the lower courts before being accepted for review by the Court.

This year’s preview is Tuesday, Oct 19, at 6:30 p.m. in the Millhiser Moot Court Room, Sydney Lewis Hall. Presenting during the event will be:

  • Professor Brian Murchison, who will discuss Snyder v. Phelps and its potential implications on First Amendment jurisprudence.
  • Professor Ann Massie, who will discuss Flores-Villar v. United States and the application of equal protection gender discrimination in the  transfer of citizenship to children.
  • Professor Joshua Fairfield, who will discuss Schwarzenegger v. Entertainment Media Association and the constitutionality of California’s ban on the sale of violent video games to minors.
  • Professor Bruck, who will discuss Connick v. Thompson and Skinner v. Switzer and issues of liability and evidence access in criminal cases.

In a “preview of the preview,” Profs. Bruck and Fairfield shared some thoughts about their respective cases in video interviews, which can be viewed below. We will post video of the entire panel discussion following the event.

Prof. Bruck on Connick v. Thompson and Skinner v. Switzer


Professor Joshua Fairfield on Schwarzenegger v. Entertainment Media Association


Professor Brian Murchison, on Snyder v. Phelps and its potential implications on First Amendment jurisprudence.


Posted in Announcement, Bruck, David I., Faculty Scholarship, faculty speaker, Fairfield, Joshua A.T., Massie, Ann M., Murchison, Brian C., Scholarship, Speaker

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