Yesterday, William M. Sage, MD, JD, the Vice Provost for Health Affairs and James R. Dougherty Chair for Faculty Excellence at the University of Texas, delivered the 2011 Johnson & Johnson Law and Medicine Colloquium titled “Brand New Law: The Marketing of Health Care Reform.”
Prof. Sage centered his talk around his perceived mismanagement by the Obama administration of the new health care reforms. He outlined a basic marketing strategy: educate, name, build brand equity. He proceeded to outline how none of the steps were followed, creating a communication breakdown and void that opponents were able to seize and control the discussion. Without proper education, rumors of “death panels” were allowed to linger. Without a new name, ObamaCare has reigned supreme. And without brand equity, nobody is buying into the collective ownership needed to mark success on a program this unprecedented. Professor Sage ended his prepared remarks by listing a few suggestions to help repair public perception and put health care reform back on the right track.
We thank Professor Sage for coming out to give this Colloquium and Johnson & Johnson for their support.