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Prof. Miller on the German Law Journal

Professor Russell A. Miller, the Ethan Allen Faculty Fellow, recently published his book, Comparative Law as Transnational Law: A Decade of the German Law Journal. Prof. Miller edited the collection of German Law Journal works with Peer C. Zumbansen, Professor of Law at Osgoode Hall Law School in Toronto, Canada.

The works compiled in the book are by scholars from around the world and form a richly contextual demonstration of the increasing encounters and tensions among legal cultures. In recognizing the lack of consensus on how to define transnational law, Miller and Zumbansen have carefully selected works that help readers to grasp the challenges of defining transnational law, and to appreciate the differing approaches towards it.

Some of the works, for example, maintain that the processes of transnationalization has created a space for a new, discrete corpus of law – a field in its own right that is the equal of public international law or conflict of laws. Others understand the perceived transnational phenomena to be illustrations of an emerging legal culture that no longer fits the traditional distinction between national and international jurisdictions. In offering different approaches to such an understanding of transnational law, these works also bring out the important consequences of a more global outlook in legal scholarship, legal practice, and legal education.

The book may be found at the Oxford University Press.

Posted in Announcement, Faculty Scholarship, Miller, Russell A., Scholarship

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