April 5, 2013 Northwestern University School of Law Tax Program, Chicago, Illinois
The Northwestern University School of Law Tax Program and the Northwestern University Law Review will host a symposium on the income tax, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment.
OVERVIEW: The symposium will consider not only the history and future of income as a tax base, but also its effect and future impact on various legal, social and political institutions. Topics of particular interest would include:
– The effect of the income tax on other substantive areas of law, including property, business associations, marital property law, and contracts;
– The effect of the income tax on social institutions including marriage, and other family relations;
– The effect of the income tax on the ways in which capital is accumulated and transferred.
We solicit the submission of unpublished papers addressing the evolution of the income tax over time, as well as its effect on legal, social and political institutions. Selected papers will appear in the Northwestern University Law Review.
PAPER SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: Preference will be given to unpublished works near completion; abstracts of no less than 750 words of works in progress may also be considered.
Please submit drafts as PDF documents no later than October 15, 2012 to: Prof. Charlotte Crane, ccrane@law.northwestern.edu
FURTHER INFORMATION: Decisions regarding the symposium program will be made by November 15, 2012. General inquiries regarding the conference should be directed to Charlotte Crane at the above address, or Michael Cooper at michael-cooper@law.northwestern.edu
Additional information regarding the Symposium can be found at: http://www.law.northwestern.edu/journals/lawreview/symposia.html