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Call for Papers: New Voices in Administrative Law

The AALS Administrative Law Section is pleased to host the first annual “New Voices in Administrative Law” program during the 2013 AALS Annual Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana. This purpose of this works-in-progress program is to bring together junior and senior administrative law scholars to help the junior scholars ready papers for the spring 2013 law review submission cycle.

For this program, we are seeking submissions from administrative law scholars with seven or fewer years of full-time teaching experience (not counting the 2012-13 academic year). Submissions should be drafts of papers relating to administrative law or regulatory practice that are near completion and expected to be submitted for the spring 2013 law review submission cycle.

To be considered for participation in the program, please send an email to Professor Jeffrey Lubbers, Chair Administrative Law Section, Washington College of Law, American University  and to Professor/Associate Director of the Association of American Law Schools Linda Jellum at by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Friday, October 12, 2012. In your email, please include the title of your paper, a short description of the context (e.g., “Rulemaking in the European Union”), and a full abstract. Full-time faculty members of AALS member schools, who have been teaching for seven or fewer years as of July 1, 2012, are eligible to submit papers. Sorry, foreign faculty, visiting faculty (who are not full-time on a member school faculty), faculty at non-member schools, adjunct faculty members, graduate students, and fellows are not eligible to submit.

To ensure an atmosphere conducive to feedback, space will be limited to 15 participants; any additional registrants will be placed on a waiting list and invited to participate on a space available basis only. Those individuals accepted into the program must submit a complete draft by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Friday, November 30, 2012. Please submit your drafts electronically to the email addresses above. The draft should be accompanied by a cover letter with the author’s name, contact information, and confirmation that the submission meets the criteria identified in this call of papers. Submissions are limited to a maximum 40,000 word limit (including footnotes). Since this is a works-in-progress opportunity, submitted papers can be committed for publication prior to their submission, as long as they are not actually scheduled to be printed prior to May 1, 2013. Each professor may submit only one paper for consideration. No papers will be accepted after the deadline, and no one can participate without submitting a complete draft by the deadline above.

Posted in Announcement, Calls for Papers, Law Center

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