Proposals Due: March 1, 2013
The Association of American Law Schools is pleased to announce a new Academic Symposium track that will begin at the 2014 Annual Meeting that will be held in New York City (January 3-6, 2014). This new track will offer space at the Annual Meeting for open-source programs expressly structured as academic symposia. Symposium program proposals may be proposed by any faculty member at an AALS Member School, and need not be tied to any AALS Section.
Proposals are due March 1, 2013. Proposals may be for either full-day or half-day programs. Proposals will need to include (a) an abstract of up to 750 words describing the overall symposium program and its anticipated contribution to legal scholarship, (b) abstracts of up to 250 words summarizing each symposium paper, and (c) a list of symposium participants.
Within the Symposium, you may have up to three slots reserved for speakers selected from a call for papers, who will not need to be identified by March 1, 2013. Symposium organizers will be required to secure publication for the Symposium in a scholarly journal or as an edited book volume, and describe the publication arrangements in their proposals. The primary criterion used to evaluate proposals will be scholarly quality. All proposals will be expected to reflect the diversity of the legal academy in their proposed speakers. Organizers are encouraged to include junior faculty as participants in their proposed symposium.
The AALS welcomes comments and questions about the Academic Symposium. Questions should be directed to Jane La Barbera at the AALS,
D. Benjamin Barros, Widener University School of Law, Chair
Lennibeth Benson, New York Law School
Kristi L. Bowman, Michigan State University College of Law
David L. Callies, University of Hawaii, William S. Richardson School of Law
Aya Gruber, University of Colorado School of Law
Danne L. Johnson, Oklahoma City University School of Law
Hillary A. Sale, Washington University in St. Louis School of Law
Laurel S. Terry, Pennsylvania State University, The Dickinson School of Law
Patrick Wooley, The University of Texas School of Law