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Call for Papers: Fourth Workshop for Junior Researchers on the Law and Economics of Intellectual Property and Competition

From June 10 to June 12, 2013, the International Max Planck Research School for Competition and Innovation ( and the Center for Law & Economics at ETH Zurich ( will jointly organize their Fourth Workshop for Junior Researchers on the Law and Economics of Intellectual Property and Competition Law.

OVERVIEW: The workshop will enable a small number of junior researchers from law and from economics to engage in an intensive, rigorous discussion of their own scholarly work. Several senior professors from law and from economics departments in Europe and the United States will provide feedback on the research projects. Keynote speakers & commentators include faculty of both hosting institutions as well as Professors Ariel Katz (University of Toronto), Mark Lemley (Stanford University), Mark McCabe (University of Michigan/SKEMA Business School, France), Geertrui Van Overwalle (Universities of Leuven & Tilburg), and Joel Waldfogel (University of Minnesota). The workshop will be held at Castle Ringberg (, which is located in a lovely region one hour south of Munich, Germany. The organizers will fund travel and hotel expenses for all invited workshop participants.

PAPER SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: Excellent junior researchers (doctoral students, postdocs, research fellows and assistant professors) from law and from economics are invited to submit their application online at

FURTHER INFORMATION: Further information is available at Any questions concerning the workshop should be directed to Prof. Stefan Bechtold,


Posted in Announcement, Calls for Papers, Law Center

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