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Tilburg Law and Economics Center (TILEC) Workshop on “Economic Governance and Organizations”

June 6-7, 2013, Tilburg University, the Netherlands

The Tilburg Law and Economics Center (TILEC) organizes a two-day Workshop on “Economic Governance and Organizations” at Tilburg University, the Netherlands, on June 6-7, 2013. We aim to assemble scholars from law, economics, and management studying organizations that mitigate economic governance problems and invite submissions of theoretical, empirical, and experimental work, as well as case studies. We aim at creating an open atmosphere that stimulates interdisciplinary discussions, in particular to understand where perceived discrepancies across disciplines are the effect of substantive differences/scientific approaches or where they are merely the result of different definitions of terms.

PAPER SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: The deadline for submissions is February 1, 2013. Papers should be submitted in PDF format to Long abstracts are accepted but full papers are preferred. In case of questions, please contact the workshop organizers (see below). Authors of accepted papers will be notified by March 15, 2013. Speakers might be asked to discuss a paper. Completed drafts of accepted papers are due by May 26, 2013, and will be made available for download on the conference website.

FURTHER INFORMATION: TILEC will cover the accommodation and reasonable travel expenses of speakers and the accommodation expenses of discussants. More information is available at:

Luis Garicano (LSE)
Henry Smith (Harvard University)
Henry Hansmann (Yale University)
Guido Tabellini (Bocconi University)

Posted in Announcement, Calls for Papers, Conferences, Law Center, Symposium

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