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Prof. Susan Franck Presents Empirical Research on Investment Disputes

Prof. Susan Franck
Prof. Susan Franck

Washington and Lee law professor Susan Franck gave several talks recently related to her empirical research on international investment disputes.

In January, she presented “An Evidence Based Approach to International Investment Disputes” during a faculty colloquium at the University of San Diego School of Law. In addition, she presented “Investment Treaty Arbitration: Myths, Realities and Costs” at the Bern University, World Trade Institute in Bern, Switzerland.

In February, she was the keynote speaker at the Hamburg University Institute of Law and Economics in Hamburg, Germany, where she again spoke on evidence-based analysis of international investment disputes. She is currently co-organizing the American Bar Association’s annual Dispute Resolution conference scheduled for April in Chicago.

Posted in Faculty, Franck, Susan D., Law Center, Law homepage

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