Washington and Lee law school Dean Nora Demleitner gave two presentations recently, one on collateral sanctions and another on human rights themes in law schools.
On March 7, Dean Demleitner spoke at the Annual Meeting of the International Association of Law Schools (IALS) held in Mysore, India. The Conference topic is “The Role of Law Schools and Human Rights.” Her presentation, and the paper on which the talk was based, had been selected on a peer-reviewed process and was part of a panel on Human Rights Themes in the Life of the Law School.
More information about the IALS and the annual meeting is available online.
On March 1, Dean Demleitner presented her paper “Collateral Sanctions in the United States and Europe: Retroactivity and Proportionality” at the Robina Workshop on Collateral Sanctions, held at the University of Minnesota Law School. Discussants were Kevin Reitz (Minnesota Law) and Elizabeth Beaumont (Minnesota Political Science).
More information about the Robina Institute and the collateral sanctions workshop is available online.