May 10, 2013, Lexington, KY
What: The third annual workshop for untenured and recently tenured faculty to share their developing ideas for scholarship, just before the plunge into summer research begins, in an informal, supportive, and engaging environment.
- Roundtable format
- Each participant will provide a 1 – 2 page summary of a current research idea
- Each participant will give a 5 minute synopsis of her/his idea
- All participants will be prepared to provide suggestions and areas of inquiry for
the other participants’ ideas
- A UK faculty member will moderate the group discussion
Where: University of Kentucky College of Law, Lexington, KY
When: Friday, May 10, 2013, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Support: UK will pay for up to two nights of hotel accommodations in downtown Lexington, KY. (Conference hotel to be determined.) All meals during the Workshop will be provided, including a pre-workshop dinner on Thursday evening, May 9th. Other expenses will be borne by the participant.
Deadline: Please submit a brief synopsis (1-2 pages) of the proposed work by Friday, April 6th. We encourage synopses of applicants’ proposed summer research projects.
Contact: Nicole Huberfeld, Chair of Faculty Development,, 859-257- 3281 for submissions and for additional information.