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Professor Robin Wilson Cited in R.I. Same-Sex Marriage Debate

Robin Wilson
Robin Fretwell Wilson

An article discussing a potential vote on a same-sex marriage proposal in Rhode Island quoted  R.I. Senate President M. Teresa Paiva Weed as favorably citing an op-ed penned by W&L Law Professor Robin Fretwell Wilson:

The House version of the bill passed in January contains only a narrow exemption for religious institutions, said Paiva Weed. But a competing measure by an opponent, Sen. Frank A. Ciccone, would ask voters to decide, and includes broader exemptions that same-sex marriage supporters call discriminatory.

Paiva Weed said that one of the “better explanations” she’s read regarding exemptions was a Feb. 21op-ed piece in The Providence Journal by Robin Fretwell Wilson, a Washington & Lee University law professor. Wilson criticized the Rhode Island House bill for providing only “fake protections,” arguing that “religious liberty and same-sex marriage share an inseparable fate.”

To read Professor Wilson’s op-ed referred to above, click here.

Posted in Faculty, Law Center, Wilson, Robin F.

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