W&L Law Professor Timothy Jost has published the Seventh Edition of Health Law: Cases, Materials, and Problems with the West Publishing Company. The Health Law casebook has been widely used throughout the United States for teaching health law since the first edition was published in 1987, and is credited as having defined the modern health law discipline. The book, which is over 1800 pages long, is also being published in an abridged (900 page) edition and as three separate “spin-off” books covering bioethics, health care organization and financing, and liability and quality. All books will be available this summer for classes in the fall. Professor Jost wrote chapters dealing with health care cost and access issues, private health insurance regulation, the Affordable Care Act, ERISA, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children’s Health Insurance Program. These chapters have been extensively rewritten since the sixth edition because of changes made by the Affordable Care Act.