Washington and Lee law professor Christopher Bruner’s new book, Corporate Governance in the Common-Law World (Cambridge University Press), has been listed as recommended reading at History of Capitalism, an online resource maintained by University of Wisconsin historian Colleen Dunlavy.
Professor Dunlavy created the site in 1998 as part of a research project examining shareholder voting rights. Today the site provides research tools and other materials including reading lists on historiography, capitalism, and corporations, where Bruner’s book appears.
Published earlier this year, Bruner’s book examines the corporate governance powers possessed by shareholders in the U.S. and other common-law countries. Bruner finds, contrary to popular belief, that shareholders in the U.K. and other common-law jurisdictions are both more powerful and more central to the aims of the corporation than are shareholders in the U.S. The vexing question, explored by Bruner’s book, is why.
You can read more about Professor Bruner’s new book here.