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Fulbright Scholar Program Deadline Approaching

Greetings from the Fulbright Scholar Program!

This is a reminder that the application deadline for the core Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program for academic year 2014-2015 is rapidly approaching.  As you may be aware, the deadline is 11:59 PM, Eastern Daylight Time, Wednesday, August 1, 2013.

Fulbright opportunities exist all around the globe.  This year the competition includes 580 awards in 6 regional and 133 country programs. The awards are both discipline-specific and “All Discipline,” including virtually every specialization.  Approximately 800 grants will result from this competition.

Further, there is a series of important innovations for 2014-2015, including Flex, Global TEFL, and postdoc/early career awards, and stipend increases for some programs.

The Fulbright Catalog of Awards and application are accessible only at the CIES website.  A number of helpful webinars about finding awards and completing the application are archived at


Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Posted in Announcement, Fellowships, Law Center, Sabbatical Opportunities

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