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Prof. David Millon Appointed to LSAC Committee

Prof.  David Millon
Prof. David Millon

Washington and Lee law professor David Millon has been appointed the Finance and Legal Affairs Committee of the Law School Admissions Council (LSAC). Prof. Millon will serve a two-year term on the committee, which meets annually to advise the LSAC on a variety of matters.

The LSAC is a nonprofit corporation that provides unique, state-of-the-art products and services to ease the admission process for law schools and their applicants worldwide. Currently, 218 law schools in the United States, Canada, and Australia are members of the Council. All law schools approved by the American Bar Association are LSAC members, as are Canadian law schools recognized by a provincial or territorial law society or government agency.

Prof. Millon is currently finishing his term as President of the Southeastern Association of Law Schools (SEALS), which will hold its annual academic conference next month in Florida.

Posted in Law Center, Law homepage, Millon, David

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