The Maine Law Review invites you to 1 participate in its 2014 Privacy Law Colloquium. The Colloquium presents an opportunity for discussion and debate about the current privacy laws in Maine, the United States, and beyond. To complement the Colloquium, the spring volume of the Review will be devoted to high-quality legal scholarship focusing on a contemporary issues in privacy law, specifically those which concern the intersection of privacy and the constitution, the ever-evolving technological landscape, and challenges to civil liberty.
TOPICS: The Maine Law Review seeks submissions of papers for oral presentation at the Colloquium and for publication in its Spring 2014 volume. We invite contributions in the form of articles or essays primarily focusing on: big data and concerns for civil liberty; government surveillance and Fourth Amendment protections; and issues involving Free Speech and First Amendment protections within the privacy context. Paper submissions should range from 10,000 to 35,000 words in length.
PAPER SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: Draft papers and queries may be addressed to Sara Murphy, Symposium Editor, at, no later than September 20, 2013. Please include “Privacy Colloquium” in the subject line. Submissions should include an abstract, curriculum vitae, and indication of your willingness and availability to travel to Portland, Maine, to participate in the Colloquium in late February/early March 2014.
ABOUT THE LAW REVIEW: The Maine Law Review is published twice annually by the students of the University of Maine School of Law. The journal has a diverse reading audience of legal scholars and students, practitioners, and judges.