Washington and Lee School of Law professor Mark Drumbl is an invited speaker at the 7th annual International Humanitarian Law Dialogs, co-sponsored by the Robert H. Jackson Center at the Chautauqua Institution.
The Dialogs are a historic gathering of renowned international prosecutors and leading professionals in the field of international criminal law. This three-day event, held August 25-27, will allow participants and the public to engage in meaningful dialogue concerning past and contemporary crimes against humanity, and the role of modern international criminal law.
The topic for this year’s Dialogs is “The Hot Summer After the Arab Spring: Accountability and the Rule of Law.” Prof. Drumbl will address the work of all the international criminal tribunals this year, focusing on accomplishments and challenges.
Drumbl notes, “It is also important to view as challenges those places where international criminal law does not yet reach, for example Syria, where the Security Council’s efforts have been bogged down with politics. On the other hand, it is also important to be mindful that a couple of criminal prosecutions will not deliver justice and create peace. To assume otherwise is wishful thinking.”