Prof. Timothy Lubin, W&L Professor of Religion and Adjunct Professor of Law, recently spoke at the plenary session of the American Oriental Society on the methods by which Brahmin religious and legal authorities promoted a distinctive set of social and legal norms over the longue durée through disciplinary practices. “The Medium Is the Message — The Prequel from South and Southeast Asia,” Plenary Session on ‘Techniques of Knowledge’, 224th Meeting of the American Oriental Society, Phoenix, March 14-17, 2014.
On Friday April 18, 2014, Prof. Lubin will speak at the University of Pennsylvania for a conference on “Changing Concepts of Landed Property in Modern South Asia: The View from History.” Prof. Lubin’s presentation is entitled “Śāstric Rules and Customary Norms in Epigraphic Records of South Asian Property Deeds and Disputes.” (https://www.law.upenn.edu/institutes/legalhistory/conferences/property-south-asia/conference-details.php).