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Washington and Lee Law Review Cited by Restitution Scholars

The Washington and Lee Law Review has recently been cited by noteworthy scholars in two important publications.

First, the Law Review’s symposium Restitution Rollout: The Restatement (Third) of Restitution and Unjust Enrichment is cited in the preface and in many of the essays published in Restatement Third: Restitution and Unjust Enrichment: Critical and Comparative Essays, Edited by Charles Mitchell and William Swadling (Hart Studies in Private Law 2013).   The preface to the book cited the Law Review’s symposium as evidence of important American scholarship on restitution.

Second, an article by visiting professor Stephen Gilles, The Judgment-Proof Society, 63 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 603 (2006) was cited by University of York Professor Philip Morgan.  The paper was presented at Obligations VII in July 2014.   Obligations is the premier private-law conference in the common law legal world, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc.   Professor Morgan’s paper Judgment Proofing of Charities and other Voluntary Sector Organisations from Liability in Tort, (abstract) relied on extensive citations to Stephen Gilles’s work published in the Law Review.

 Congratulations to the Law Review for this well deserved recognition!

Posted in Law Center, Law homepage, Scholarship, Symposium

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