Washington and Lee law professor Michelle Drumbl presented last week at the ABA Tax Midyear Meeting in Houston. The panel was titled “Fraud in the Return Preparation Industry” and addressed topics including the return preparation industry, how to report fraudulent return issues, how to resolve fraud and identification theft issues, and other related topics. Participants included Professor Scott A. Schumacher, University of Washington School of Law; Christopher J. Lee, Senior Attorney, Taxpayer Advocate Service, IRS; and Vijay Raghavan, Assistant Attorney General, Consumer Fraud Bureau, Illinois Attorney General’s Office.
Professor Drumbl’s presentation built upon her recent publication in Tax Notes, titled “When Helpers Hurt: Protecting Taxpayers from Preparers.” The paper, which has generated significant attention, is available on SSRN at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2545894.