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Law Faculty Scholarly Impact Study

Robin WilsonTwo studies of scholarship at U.S. law schools highlight the faculty at W&L. Most recently, researchers at the University of St. Thomas School of Law produced a ranking of 70 law schools based on scholarly impact as measured by the total law journal citations over the past five years to the work of tenured members of a given law faculty. W&L ranked 32 in this study.

The St. Thomas study was based on a more limited version conducted by Brian Leiter of The University of Chicago School of Law. Prof. Leiter’s study only ranked the top 25 law schools according to scholarly impact. However, Leiter’s study also looks at top scholars by subject area.  W&L law professors Erik Luna and Robin Wilson were both mentioned in their respective areas of specialty, Luna in criminal law and Wilson in family law.

Posted in Faculty Scholarship, Scholarship

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