Students at Yale Law School will be hosting a conference entitled “Critical Race Theory: From the Academy to the Community” on Friday, February 8, 2013 and Saturday, February 9, 2013, at Yale Law School. The Conference is sponsored by the Zelia & Oscar Ruebhausen and Debevoise & Plimpton Student Fund at Yale Law School.
Confirmed conference participants include: Kimberlé Crenshaw, UCLA School of Law and Columbia Law School (keynote speaker); Devon Carbado, UCLA School of Law (keynote speaker); Lani Guinier, Harvard Law School; Cheryl Harris, UCLA School of Law; Charles Lawrence, University of Hawaii Richardson School of Law and Georgetown University Law Center; Gary Peller, Georgetown University Law Center; Gerald Torres, University of Texas at Austin School of Law; and Tanya Hernandez, Fordham Law School.
The conference will convene leading academic scholars, legal practitioners and community leaders to examine the ways in which critical race theory can be applied to scholarly work, legal practice, social justice advocacy and community based movements. The event will continue a tradition of such gatherings at Yale Law School, which hosted a highly successful 2009 conference that explored the insights of critical race theory as applied to immigration law.
If you wish to receive further information about the conference, including registration information, please visit: