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Spring 2013 Law Review Submission Chart Now Available

Nancy Levit and Allen Rostron have updated their charts about law journal submissions, expedites and rankings from different sources for the Spring 2013 submission season for the 202 flagship journals of each law school.

The highlights of this update are as follows:

  • First, there has been movement toward Scholastica and the charts track which law reviews prefer Scholastica or exclusively accept through that channel.
  • Second, the chart now includes, where available, information about when journals are open to receive articles—i.e. the opening date for the submission season.

The first chart contains information about each journal’s preferences about methods for submitting articles (e.g., ExpressO, Scholastica, email, or regular mail), as well as special formatting requirements and how to request an expedited review.  The second chart contains rankings information from U.S. News and World Report as well as data from Washington & Lee’s law review website.

You may download Information for Submitting Articles to Law Reviews and Journals by visiting  Thanks to Dean Ellen Y. Suni at UMKC School of Law for sharing this information.

Posted in Announcement, Law Center, Submissions

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