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Call for Papers: Constitutional Conflict and Development: Perspectives from South Asia and Africa

Call for Papers

On behalf of the AALS Section on Law & South Asian Studies and the Section on Africa, we are pleased to announce this Call for Papers for the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) 2014 Annual Meeting to be held in New York in January 2014.

Constitutional Conflict and Development: Perspectives from South Asia and Africa

Recent times have brought extraordinary constitutional change in both Africa and South Asia.  From the revolutions and constitution-building efforts in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt and the continued evolution of constitutional jurisprudence in South Africa, to efforts to stabilize legal processes through judicial review in Pakistan and expand the power of the central government in India, vast and profound constitutional changes are occurring in these regions.

The AALS Section on Africa and Section on Law & South Asian Studies will be holding a Joint Program at the 2014 Annual Meeting.  We invite the submission of drafts or abstracts that explore any aspect of constitutional conflict, development, change and evolution in these regions.  Topics relating to any country within Africa or South Asia (including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka) would be appropriate.

Papers selected from this Call for Papers will be presented at the 2014 Annual Meeting.  The Joint Program will include both the speakers whose papers have been selected from this Call for Papers and as well as invited speakers.  There is a strong possibility that the papers presented will be published in a journal.

Please send a 500-1000 word proposal or abstract by June 15, 2013 to the Chair of the Section on Africa: Matthew Charity ( or Chair of the Section on Law & South Asian Studies: Sudha Setty (

Authors will be notified by June 30 regarding the selection of their papers.

Please consider submitting a paper and/or encouraging others to do so as well.  We encourage you to circulate this Call for Papers to your networks.

Best regards,

Matthew Charity & Sudha Setty

Posted in Calls for Papers, Conferences, Law Center

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