Sponsor: Princeton University
Program Number: 36093
Title: Laurance S. Rockefeller Visiting Fellowships
E-mail: suewint@princeton.edu
Web Site: http://uchv.princeton.edu/
Program URL: http://uchv.princeton.edu/fellowships_awards/lsr_visiting_fellowships.php
SYNOPSIS: The University Center for Human Values invites applications for Laurance S. Rockefeller Visiting Faculty Fellowships for the academic year 2014-15. Fellows devote an academic year in residence at Princeton to do research and writing about topics involving human values in public and private life. The program is open to scholars in all disciplines provided their research plans qualify. In recent years fellows have been drawn from fields including philosophy, political theory, literature, history, classics, economics, and law, but this list is not meant to be exhaustive.
Deadline(s): 11/04/2013