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Prof. Michelle Drumbl Presents on Unsophisticated Taxpayers

Prof. Michelle Drumbl
Prof. Michelle Drumbl

On Oct. 4, Washington and Lee law professor and Tax Clinic director Michelle Drumbl presented her research into low-income/unsophisticated taxpayers and the return preparer industry at a symposium at the University of Washington. The title of her presentation was When Helpers Hurt: Protecting Taxpayers from their Return Preparers.” 

She addressed a similar topic in an article that is forthcoming in a symposium volume of the Pittsburgh Tax Review. The article is titled “Those Who Know, Those Who Don’t, and Those Who Won’t: Balancing Complexity, Sophistication, and Accuracy on Tax Returns” and focuses on unsophisticated taxpayers and refundable tax credits.

In addition, Prof. Drumbl participated in the Villanova Law Review symposium on Sept. 27.  Her panel discussed concerns with the return preparer industry, the IRS’s efforts to regulate tax return preparers, and the legal challenge brought in the Loving v. Commissioner case, now on appeal in the DC circuit.

Posted in Drumbl, Michelle L., Law Center, Law homepage

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