Washington and Lee law professor Mark Drumbl will be speaking this week at Law, Peace, and Violence: Jurisprudence and the Possibilities of Peace, a symposium held at the Seattle University School of Law. Professor Drumbl will speak on a panel “War and Peace” and discuss his work on child soldiers.
In addition to his book published in 2012, Reimagining Child Soldiers in International Law and Policy, Professor Drumbl published a piece in the Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law (2013) titled The Effects of the Lubanga Case on Understanding and Preventing Child Soldiering on the first trial of the International Criminal Court in the case of Thomas Lubanga, who was convicted for child soldier charges.
Professor Drumbl is also a contributor on child soldiers to the Oxford University Press commentaries on the Convention on the Rights of the Child. His book Reimagining Child Soldiers in International Law and Policy (Oxford University Press) challenges much of conventional wisdom when it comes to preventing child soldiering, meaningfully reintegrating child soldiers, and engaging with former child solders as vibrant contributors to post-conflict reconciliation. Drumbl suggests a number of reforms to international law and policy on this most topical issue. To date, this book has been reviewed in several venues: American Journal of International Law, Social and Legal Studies, Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Melbourne Journal of International Law, Journal of the Philosophy of International Law, European Journal of International Law, British Yearbook of International Law, Political Studies Review, Chinese Journal of International Law, Lawfare blog, and Think Africa Press. Chapter 1 has been translated into German as Die Überwindung der Opferrolle. Zum Bild des Kindersoldaten im internationalen Recht, and appearing in Zeitschrift fuer Friedens- und Konfliktforschung 249-274 (2012).
Read more of Professor Drumbl’s work here.