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Prof. Sahani Publishes New article in Tulane Law Review and Presents at DC Bar’s International Law Section Event

Prof. Victoria Shannon
Prof. Victoria Shannon

Washington and Lee law professor Victoria Sahani has published a new article in the Tulane Law Review.  The article Reshaping Third-Party Funding, appears in Volume 91 and discusses the partnerships between third-party funders and law firms.  

Download the the full text of Professor Sahani’s article here.

On February 21, 2017, Professor Sahani presented her research from her recently published article at a panel entitled “Current Issues on Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration” organized by the DC Bar’s International Law Section’s International Investment & Finance Committee and hosted by Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP.

As part of the panel Professor Sahani discussed the benefits and drawbacks of allowing closer partnerships between third-party funders and law firms, as well as third-party funding in general.  She was the only law professor on a panel that included practitioners from law firms and third-party funders.

Posted in Faculty, Faculty Scholarship, Sahani, Victoria Shannon, Scholarship

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