Washington and Lee law professor Victoria Sahani has published a new article in the Tulane Law Review. The article Reshaping Third-Party Funding, appears in Volume 91 and discusses the partnerships between third-party funders and law firms.
Download the the full text of Professor Sahani’s article here.
On February 21, 2017, Professor Sahani presented her research from her recently published article at a panel entitled “Current Issues on Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration” organized by the DC Bar’s International Law Section’s International Investment & Finance Committee and hosted by Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP.
As part of the panel Professor Sahani discussed the benefits and drawbacks of allowing closer partnerships between third-party funders and law firms, as well as third-party funding in general. She was the only law professor on a panel that included practitioners from law firms and third-party funders.