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Prof. Bruner on Shareholder Value

Christopher BrunerProfessor Christopher M. Bruner, Associate Professor of Law, recently participated in the Aspen Institute’s roundtable program, “Rethinking ‘Shareholder Value’ and the Purpose(s) of the Firm” at the NYU-Stern School of Business. The dialogue between business and legal scholars, as well as business executives, was a continuation of a discussion started in late September last year at the Aspen Institute.

The purpose of the dialogue was to discuss the purpose of the corporate firm and the role of “shareholder value” in corporate governance and evaluation of firm performance. The group addressed key questions that have profound consequences for both corporations and the long-term health of society. The representatives also discussed how broader conceptions of purpose influence how we think about leadership, strategy and accountability in business.

You can see the list of participants and agenda for the roundtable here.

Posted in Bruner, Christopher M., In the news, Speaker

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