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W&L Law Faculty Present at SEALS

Several Washington and Lee Law School faculty members presented last week at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Association of Law Schools (SEALS). In addition, David Millon, J. B. Stombock Professor of Law at Washington and Lee University School of Law, took the helm as President of SEALS for the 2012-13 term.

In addition to his duties with the organization during the conference, Millon also served as a panelist in a session on how recent Supreme Court decisions and congressional legislation are affecting business and regulatory issues and in a discussion group focused on teaching business law in a new economic environment. Other presentations by W&L faculty included:

  • Johanna Bond, who participated in a discussion group on contemporary issues in gender and the law.
  • Christopher Bruner, who presented a paper during a panel on recent developments in corporate governance.
  • Mark Drumbl, who participated in a discussion group on the growing importance of international matters to legal education.
  • Jill Fraley, who presented her research on maps as legal arguments in a new scholars panel.
  • Brant Hellwig, who participated in a discussion group on tax reform in 2012.
  • John Keyser and Todd Peppers, who participated in a panel on social science and the law.
  • J.D. King, who participated in a panel on implicit racial bias in the criminal justice system.
  • Joan Shaughnessy, who served as a moderator of a new scholars panel.
  • Robin Wilson, who participated in a panel on cutting edge issues in family law.
Posted in Bond, Johanna E., Bruner, Christopher M., Drumbl, Mark A., Fraley, Jill M., Hellwig, Brant, King, John D., Law Center, Law homepage, Millon, David, Peppers, Todd C., Scholarship, Shaughnessy, Joan, Wilson, Robin F.

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