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€50.000 for the ‘Best Innovative Idea’ in the justice sector, entries possible until September 15

Here is an announcement from Innovating Justice, a European partnership focused on international rule of law solutions (

The Innovating Justice Award Ceremony will take pace on the second of November 2012 in The Hague. You can still apply for the Award for ‘Best Innovative Idea’ to improve the justice system until the 15thof September. Innovating Justice will invest €50.000 worth of services from our Innovation Lab in developing and realizing your idea if you win the competition. The top three people with the best idea will be invited to our Award Ceremony in The Hague, all expenses paid.

You can download the application form here to describe your innovative idea. You can e-mail it to  Do not hesitate any longer. Download the application form and send it to us before the 15th of September.

Posted in Announcement, Law Center, Scholarly Competitions, Scholarship

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