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Extra interview dates on 19th and 20th of September to submit your entry for ‘Best Innovative Idea to improve the Justice Sector’

Here is a note from the Innovating Justice Project at The Hague:

Last month we offered the possibility to submit your entry for the Award for ‘Best Innovative Idea to improve the justice system’ through an interview on Skype with somebody from our staff. Given the number of request for interviews, we scheduled two extra days for interviews on the 19th and 20th of September. That means that the deadline to submit your entry has been prolonged until the 21st of September at 1 PM CET and that voting will start on the 21st at 8 PM CET.

Innovating Justice will invest €50.000 worth of services from our Innovation Lab in developing and realising your idea if you win the competition. The top three people with the best idea will be invited to our Award Ceremony in The Hague, all expenses paid. The Innovating Justice Award Ceremony will take pace on the second of November 2012 in The Hague.

You can download the application form here to describe your innovative idea. You can e-mail it  or send us a description of your idea with a request for an interview on Skype on the 19th or 20th of September.


Maurits Barendrecht | Chairman Executive Board Innovating Justice
Evi Pouwelse  | Project Coordinator Innovating Justice
| +31 70 349 4418

Innovating Justice Project Office:
Hague Institute for the Internationalisation of Law
Anna van Saksenlaan 51 | P.O. Box 93033 | 2509 AA The Hague | The Netherlands
Follow us: @InnoJustice

Posted in Announcement, Law Center, Scholarly Competitions

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