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Call for Applications: Law & Economics Workshops at George Mason

Henry G. Manne Program in Law & Economics Studies
2013 LEC Workshops for Law Professors


The George Mason Law & Economics Center invites applications for the following five 2013 Workshops for Law Professors. Each Workshop offers a unique opportunity to join colleagues from around the country to learn from some of the most well-respected scholars in the law-and-economics field. There is no tuition, and all but one program provides hotel rooms and group meals at no expense to the professors. The LEC will begin reviewing applications on October 15, 2012.

LEC Workshop for Law Professors on the Economics of Contracting
January 25-28, 2013
South Seas Island Resort, Captiva Island, FL

LEC Workshop for Law Professors on the Economics of Litigation and Civil Procedure
January 25-28, 2013
South Seas Island Resort, Captiva Island, FL

LEC Workshop for Law Professors on Public Choice Economics
January 25-28, 2013
South Seas Island Resort, Captiva Island, FL

LEC Workshop for Law Professors on Empirical Methods
May 20-24, 2013
George Mason University School of Law, Arlington, VA

LEC Economics Institute for Law Professors
July 7-19, 2013
Park Hyatt Beaver Creek Resort, Avon, CO
If you have questions, please call or send an email to Jeff Smith, Coordinator, Henry G. Manne Program in Law & Economics Studies, at 703.993.8382 or

Posted in Calls for Papers, Conferences, Law Center

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