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Southeastern Association of Law Schools (SEALS) Call for Papers

The Southeastern Association of Law Schools (SEALS) invites the submission of papers in response to its annual Call for Papers.  As in the past, those who submit the best papers will be asked to present them at our next annual meeting which is scheduled for The Breakers, Palm Beach, Florida, from August 4 – 10, 2013, and will receive a plaque commemorating their achievement.

Submissions may be on any topic related to law and may involve either an unpublished paper or an abstract.  However, in the past, the panel of judges has tended to favor completed papers over promising abstracts.

The submission deadline is December 1, 2012, and notifications will be made by February 1, 2013.  Submissions can be made by e-mailing a copy of your work to me.

If you have questions about the Call for Papers, please feel free to contact Russell Weaver by phone (502-852-6559), fax (502-852-0862) or e-mail (

Posted in Announcement, Calls for Papers, Conferences, Law Center, Scholarly Competitions

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