W&L Law Professor James Moliterno has recently returned from Czech Republic and Slovakia. In Czech Republic, he spoke on legal education reform and delivered a demonstration class in experiential style at the Palacky University Faculty of Law in Olomouc. He and his colleagues there have created a year-long skills curriculum to complement their existing clinical offerings. The course has been quite successful, attracting English-speaking students from across Europe to take the course at Palacky University.
In Bratislava, Professor Moliterno met with representatives of the U.S. Embassy who have invited him to work with various Slovak NGOs, law faculties, and judicial organizations on legal education and judicial ethics reform. He will venture back to meet with those groups in Slovakia as he returns from a planned trip to the Republic of Georgia in late November. In Georgia, Professor Moliterno is working with the Lawyer Ethics Commission to upgrade its bar disciplinary processes.
James E. Moliterno is the Vincent Bradford Professor of Law and joined the Law School in 2009. He is one of the nation’s leading educators in experiential learning and legal professionalism,