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National University of Singapore, Faculty of Law Post-Doctoral Fellowships AY2013-2014

As Asia’s Global Law School, the Faculty of Law of the National University of Singapore (NUS) is committed to fostering research and teaching excellence among young legal scholars. We are pleased, therefore, to invite applications for the position of Post-Doctoral Fellow in AY2013-2014. Successful applicants will commence their Fellowships at the start of August 2013 and conclude them at the end of July 2014.

BENEFITS: Successful Post-Doctoral Fellows will have the following privileges:
1. Fellows will be appointed to the full-time position of Post-Doctoral Fellow at NUS on a one-year contract, with the possibility of renewal, at the Faculty’s discretion, up to a maximum term of 2 years, with a fixed remuneration of S$78,000. This sum is inclusive of stipends for housing and living expenses.
2. Fellows will be reimbursed for a return economy class airfare (by the most economical and direct route) up to a maximum of S$2,000 to and from Singapore.
3. Fellows will conduct research in their fields of interest and will be supported by full NUS library privileges.
4. Fellows may be given the opportunity to present their research in the Faculty of Law’s Research Seminar Series (RSS) and other Faculty seminars.

1. Subject to the standard NUS terms as to leave, Fellows will be expected to be in residence in the Faculty throughout the term of their appointment.
2. Fellows will be expected to conduct research during the term of their appointment. Such research may include, but is not limited to, the writing of articles for publication in refereed journals, contributing to book chapters in edited collections, and preparing a monograph or other book for publication.
3. Fellows may be expected to teach or co-teach one elective course per annum during the term of their appointment.
4. Fellows may, additionally, be expected to assist in the organization of a colloquium or other events for graduate students.

SELECTION CRITERIA: The selection committee will consider the following criteria in making an appointment to the position of Post-Doctoral Fellow at NUS:
1. The applicant must be of exceptional calibre, having attained a doctoral degree in law which must have been awarded during the two-year period 31 December 2010 to 31 December 2012.
2. The principal selection criterion will be the applicant’s potential for excellence in research. An existing record of publication in top journals or participation in research projects are examples of evidence of such potential.
3. An important criterion will also be the proposed programme of research of the applicant. This may include, but is not limited to, preparing the completed doctoral research for publication as a monograph.
4. The selection committee will also consider the alignment of the proposed research with the NUS Law School’s research strengths and priorities. Apart from the core curriculum, in which NUS has long held significant strengths, these also include: Corporate and Financial Law, Asian Law and Legal Systems, International and Comparative Law, Constitutional and Criminal Law, Maritime and Aviation Law, Family and Child Law, and Intellectual Property and Technology Law.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Applicants are required to submit a detailed curriculum vitae, outlining their research plans for the next two years. The application should be supported by two references from academic referees. Applicants should arrange for their referees to send their references to the address below by the closing date.

The closing date for the receipt of applications and references is 31 December 2012. Applicants will be notified within two months of the deadline on the status of their applications. All correspondence should be addressed to:

Ms Vrunda
The Office of Vice Dean, Research
Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore
469G Bukit Timah Road
Singapore 259776

Posted in Fellowships, Law Center, Sabbatical Opportunities

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