Global Perspectives on Entrepreneurship: Public and Corporate Governance
April 25-26, 2013, Schulich School of Business, York University, Toronto, Canada
– Abstract Submission Deadline: January 15, 2013
– Special Issue Submission Deadline: April 1, 2013
– Paper Development Workshop Dates: April 25-26, 2013
Guest Editors:
– Rajesh Chakrabarti, Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, India
– Douglas Cumming, York University, Toronto, Canada
BACKGROUND AND SPECIAL ISSUE PURPOSE: Governments in both developed and developing countries are in agreement that entrepreneurship and innovation will facilitate economic growth and determine the competitive advantage of nations in the 21st century. Massive amounts of resources are expanded to foster both innovation and entrepreneurial activity in these countries. It is therefore crucial that public policy matters are able to distinguish between supporting entrepreneurial activity or merely supporting small and medium sized enterprises. Entrepreneurial activity, or the generation of value through the creation or expansion of economic activity in terms of new products, processes or markets, is not restricted to smaller enterprises. Innovation and entrepreneurial activity may also take place in larger, more established enterprises.
THEMES: Some prior evidence is consistent with the view that the real effects of entrepreneurial activity are best realized in conjunction with effective governance. For instance, improved corporate governance at the time of initial public offerings (IPOs) facilitates IPO performance. Also, more effective venture capitalist oversight improves the performance of venture capital backed firms. But there is clearly greater scope for new work on topic. To this end, new research papers could be developed around the following themes:
1. Public policy and entrepreneurial governance: What public policies translate into better governance and thereby enable high-growth entrepreneurial activities versus sustaining low performing SMEs?
2. Investor abilities and entrepreneurial governance: Which investors (such as banks, venture capitalists, angel investors, or others) are most effective in improving governance and thereby enable high growth entrepreneurial activities?
3. Financial contracting and entrepreneurial governance: What contractual mechanisms are most effective in mitigating the scope for entrepreneurial opportunistic behavior and facilitating entrepreneurial growth?
4. Legal systems and entrepreneurial governance: Which legal mechanisms across countries and over time facilitate entrepreneurial governance and outcomes?
5. Institutions and entrepreneurial governance: Apart from legal institutions, what other aspects of institutional settings or infrastructure (such as high-tech parks, universities, virtual incubators, etc.) enable entrepreneurial governance and promote agglomeration and entrepreneurial activity?
Other themes on related topics are also welcome. Studies on small firms and large firms are welcome as entrepreneurial activities can take place in a variety of organizations. Cross-country or single-country studies that bring new insights into entrepreneurial governance are welcome from around the world. CGIR will publish a special issue of the best papers that advance the journal’s mission of developing a global theory of corporate governance.
SUBMISSION AND REVIEW PROCESS: The deadline for submission to the conference is January 15, 2013. Notifications about acceptance into the conference will be sent by February 15, 2013.
Submissions to the conference should be sent to Douglas Cumming at: with the subject line “CGIR Special Issue Conference”. Authors may submit one-page abstracts or completed papers if available. Please indicate whether or not you intend to submit to the CGIR special issue in your conference submission.
Fully developed manuscripts should be submitted to the CGIR by April 1, 2013 for those that want to be considered for the special issue. All manuscripts submitted to the CGIR special issue should be submitted through the CGIR Manuscript Central website
A conference to aid in the development of papers will be held on April 25-26, 2013 at the Schulich School of Business, York University, in Toronto, Canada. There will not be a conference fee.
Final decisions on papers for the CGIR Special Issue will be made later in the year. Please note that acceptance to the conference does not necessarily guarantee acceptance to the CGIR special issue.
FURTHER INFORMATION: For further information, please contact:
– Rajesh Chakrabarti, Indian School of Business,
– Douglas Cumming, Schulich School of Business, York University,