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Arizona Law Review Now Accepting Submissions via Scholastica

From the Arizona Law Review:

Dear Authors,

The Arizona Law Review is pleased to announce it will begin accepting submissions through Scholastica during its next submissions season beginning in January 2013. The Arizona Law Review is a leading legal journal. We believe Scholastica could efficiently serve authors and improve the review process of articles and essays.

To sign up for Scholastica, authors should visit to create an individual account. Authors can pay for their submissions through individual or institutional accounts or can ask Scholastica for a fee waiver. For more information, please contact

Founded in 1959, the Arizona Law Review is a general-interest academic legal journal. The Arizona Law Review is edited and published quarterly by students of the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law.

The Arizona Law Review has published symposia, major empirical research projects, and articles from a wide variety of scholars. Notable authors recently published or currently scheduled to publish in the Review include Ian Ayers, Erwin Chemerinsky, Harold Demsetz, Dan Dobbs, Richard Epstein, Daniel Farber, Jay Feinman, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Herbert Hovenkamp, Russell Korobkin, Robert Merges, Robert Rabin, Margaret Jane Radin, Judith Resnik, Carol Rose, Carol Sanger, Frederick Schauer, Richard Stewart, and Kenji Yoshino.

For more information about submissions to the Arizona Law Review, please visit


Julie Wilson-McNerney
Senior Articles Editor
Arizona Law Review

Posted in Announcement, Law Center, Submissions

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