Call For Papers – Eighth Edition
Finlawmetrics 2013
Central Banking and Systemic Risk: Evolution or Revolution? Monetary Stability, Prudential Policies and Governance
17-18, June, Bocconi University
Bocconi University will refund economy – class travel expenses and will cover accommodation for paper presenters and chairs for the two days of the Conference.
European Banking Centre, Tilburg University
Paolo Baffi Centre on Central Banking and Financial Regulation, Bocconi University
Centre on Central Banks & Financial Institutions, New York University
AIM: After seven editions, Finlawmetrics has established itself as a unique forum for scientific and policy analyses and discussions of the most relevant issues related to the evolution of thinking, judgment, and practice in the fields of monetary policy and financial regulation and supervision.
The initiative is scientifically promoted by three leading research centres: The Paolo Baffi Centre on Central Banking and Financial Regulation (Bocconi University), the European Banking Center (Tilburg University) and the Center on Central Banks and Financial Institutions (New York University).
By the early ‘2000 an increasing numbers of countries had adopted a well defined central bank framework, which was characterized by two intertwined features: the authority becomes specialized in achieving the monetary policy goals, and consequently its traditional responsibilities in pursuing the financial stability were less important in its institutional perimeter.
But then, after the Financial Crisis erupted in 2008, reforms are undertaken and projects are under discussion in order to reconsider the central bank role as well its governance. How to design the new central bank setting in order to address the relationships between monetary, macro e micro prudential policies?
The Steering Committee welcomes theoretical and empirical papers that shed light on the evolution of the central banking before and after the crisis, on the different causes of change in, and their consequences.
Coordinators: Donato Masciandaro (Bocconi University), Sylvester Eijffinger (Tilburg University and CEPR), Geoffrey Miller (New York University), Steven Ongena (Tilburg University), Marc Quintyn (Institute for Capacity Development, International Monetary Fund), Tommaso Monacelli (Bocconi University)
Economics: Jerry Caprio (Williams College), Alex Cukierman (CEPR and University of Tel Aviv), Kevin Davis (University of Melbourne), Jakob De Haan (University of Groningen), Charles Goodhart (London School of Economics), George Kaufman (Loyola University Chicago), Iftekhar Hasan (Fordham University), Ross Levine (Brown University), Rafael Repullo (CEMFI Madrid and CEPR), Pierre Siklos (Wilfrid Laurier University), Stijn Claessens (International Monetary Fund), Guido Tabellini (Bocconi University and CEPR)
Law: Kern Alexander (Queen Mary University of London), Fabian Amtenbrink (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Rosa Lastra (Queen Mary University of London), Fabio Recine (European Central Bank), Hal Scott (Harvard University), Joe McCahery (Tilburg University and EBC)
TOPIC: The Conference will focus on the relationships between monetary policy, prudential issues and central banking.
FORMAT: Papers will be presented in session presentations of 30 minutes, followed by 30 minutes of plenary discussion. No more than 10 papers will be presented and overall participation at the workshop will be limited to 30 people.
PAPER SELECTION: Authors are invited to submit completed papers electronically (MS Word or PDF format). The first page of the paper should contain the title; name of the author(s), complete address, telephone, fax numbers and E-mail addresses. All submitted papers must be accompanied by an abstract of at least 250 words, but no more than 400. Authors may also be asked to serve as session chair and/or discussant.
A selected number of papers will be considered for possible publication in the Journal of Financial Stability (JFS) for a special issue to be edited by Donato Masciandaro following normal review process. One should clearly indicate their preference for being considered for possible publication in the JFS or not in a cover letter.
PAPER SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: Please submit your paper to: erika.somma@unibocconi.itand simultaneously upload the manuscript at
DEADLINE: The deadline for submissions is February, 28, 2013. Authors will be notified by March, 29, 2013.