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Baldy Fellowships in Interdisciplinary Legal Studies

Here’s a note from the Director of the Baldy Fellowships:

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing to remind you that applications for the Baldy Fellowships in Interdisciplinary Legal Studies for 2013-2014 are due on February 1, 2013.

Fellowships are available to post-doctoral, mid-career, and senior scholars. This year’s application form is at: Completed applications are due February 1, 2013. It is important that all applications be submitted through our web-based system, both so that we can track all applications and so that our reviewers can readily access  them. Further information on the Fellowships and application process is provided below and on the Baldy Center website:

We are excited about our first group of Baldy Fellows — anthropologist Mireille Abelin, historian Kathleen Biddick, constitutional theorist Nimer Sultany, and sociologist Julia Tomassetti, who are further described below and in an article at: We are eager to bring an equally outstanding group of scholars to the Center next year.

Please contact Baldy Center Assistant Director, Laura Wirth,, with any questions about the Fellows Program, and please forward this announcement to anyone who might be interested in it.

Best wishes,

Errol Meidinger, Director

Posted in Announcement, Fellowships, Law Center, Sabbatical Opportunities

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