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Call for Papers: Northeastern People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference 2013

Northeastern People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference 2013 

Universidad de Puerto Rico

Call for Papers, WIPs and AwardNominations  

December 5 – 8, 2013


Our initial announcement back in February was met with a lot of excitement and enthusiasm and now the Northeastern People of Color Legal Scholarship Conference (NEPOC) Planning Committee is pleased topresent the call for papers for our 2013 conference at the University of Puerto Rico-School of Law from December 5 to 8, 2013.

More than half of the speaking opportunities at NEPOC are selected from our call for papers.  Please note that this call for papers is divided into several sections and is more accurately a call for panel presentations, works in progress, professional workshop presentations, and award nominations.  We tried to streamline the process as much as possible but please read each section carefully.  For example, the person to whom to submit your materials and the deadlines vary with what you are submitting.

If you have any questions, please email Elaine Chiu at

The theme of this year’s conference is Defining Vice: Evolving Standards of Morality, Law and Governance.  Thus, there are several substantive panels on various vices including drugs, guns, violence, homophobia, misogyny, etc.  In addition, we are also celebrating our host jurisdiction with several showcase panels on Puerto Rico-inspired topics.  You are invited to submit both individual and group proposals.

Additionally, professional development has been the center of NEPOC since the inception of our gatherings.  This year we plan to kick things up a notch with a mix of innovative, tried-and-true professional development programs, as well as our Works-In-Progress or WIP sessions. You are invited to submit both individual and group proposals.

Finally, we are also proud to be working with the Society of American Law Teachers (SALT) in organizing a BA to JD pipeline program to kick off NEPOC during the morning / early afternoon of Thursday,December 5th.  As many of us are painfully aware, the numbers of Latina/o students and in particular students of Puerto Rican descent are alarmingly low in law schools and it is now more important than ever to redouble our diversity pipeline efforts.  We are finalizing the details of the program and will release soon.  Please join us in this important program.

Posted in Announcement, Calls for Papers, Conferences, Law Center

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