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Call for Papers: AALS Section on Comparative Law

Call for Papers

AALS Section on Comparative Law

Works-in-Progress Program in Comparative Law

AALS Annual Meeting, January 3, 2014

New York, New York

The Section on Section on Comparative Law is pleased to announce a Call for Papers for Works-in-Progress Program in Comparative Law from 8:30 to 10:30 AM on Friday January 3 at the AALS 2014 Annual Meeting in New York, New York.

This program will bring together junior and senior comparative law scholars for a lively discussion of the junior scholars’ works-in-progress.  Junior comparative law scholars will submit papers they expect to submit in the summer 2013 law review submission cycle to our call for papers.  After they briefly present their papers, senior comparative law scholars will provide oral comments and critiques.  This new program presents an opportunity to hear cutting edge comparative law scholarship by recent members of the academy.

We will limit our selection to two to maximum three papers to allow junior participants to receive a substantive feed-back from senior commentators.

Form and length of submission

Eligible faculty members are invited to submit manuscripts or abstracts dealing with any aspect of the foregoing topics.  Abstracts should be comprehensive enough to allow the committee to meaningfully evaluate the aims and likely content of papers they propose.

Untenured faculty members are particularly encouraged to submit manuscripts or abstracts. Papers may be accepted for publication but must not be published prior to the Annual Meeting.

Deadline and submission method

To be considered, papers must be submitted electronically to both:  Fernanda G. Nicola, American University, Washington College of Law, Chair, Section on Comparative Law, and Intisar Rabb, New York University School of Law,Chair-Elect, Section on Comparative Law,

The deadline for submission is September 15, 2013.

Papers will be selected after review by officers of the Section on Comparative Law.

The authors of the selected papers will be notified by November 1, 2013.

The Call for Paper participants will be responsible for paying their annual meeting registration fee and travel expenses.


Full-time faculty members of AALS member law schools are eligible to submit papers.  The following are ineligible to submit: foreign, visiting (without a full-time position at an AALS member law school) and adjunct faculty members, graduate students, fellows, non-law school faculty, and faculty at fee-paid non-member schools. Papers co-authored with a person ineligible to submit on their own may be submitted by the eligible co-author.

Please forward this Call for Papers to any eligible faculty who might be interested.

Posted in Calls for Papers

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