On Friday, Oct. 25, Washington and Lee law professor Kish Vinayagamoorthy will present as part of the W&L and Virginia Military Institute Economics Seminar, a series of discussions featuring experts and guests from both campuses.
Prof. Vinayagamoorthy will present a work in progress titled “Governing Amidst the Fragments.” Her topic explores ways to improve corporate social responsibility in global value chains. It specifically looks at ways to create incentives for suppliers and proposes different ways that stakeholders can transmit these incentives to suppliers.
The joint seminar brings together members of the VMI and W&L academic communities to explore the economic dimensions of a wide variety of current issues in trade, conservation, transnational business, and mergers and acquisitions, among other topics. Through presentations by internal and external faculty, participants discuss how economics can improve the effectiveness of private sector and public sector responses to the issues identified above.
For more information, see http://www.wlu.edu/williams-school/economics/wandlvmi-seminar-series.