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Prof. Timothy Jost publishes with New England Journal of Medicine

Prof. Tim Jost
Prof. Tim Jost

Washington & Lee law professor Timothy Jost has published an article in the New England Journal of Medicine.  Professor Jost’s article Beyond Repeal – A Republican Proposal for Health Care Reform was published online February 12, 2014.

An excerpt:

By voting repeatedly to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) over the past 4 years, Republicans have risked being identified as a party without a positive health policy agenda. On January 27, 2014, however, three Republican senators — Orrin Hatch (UT), Tom Coburn (OK), and Richard Burr (NC) — unveiled a proposal that would not only repeal the ACA, but also replace it with comprehensive legislation based on Republican health policy principles.1 Although the proposal recycles long-standing Republican prescriptions, it also offers new ideas.


Read more of Professor Jost’s work here.

Posted in Faculty, Faculty Scholarship, Jost, Timothy S., Law Center, Law homepage, Scholarship

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