Washington and Lee School of Law Dean Nora Demleitner and Prof. Jim Moliterno present at Seton Hall Law School on Oct. 25 as part of a symposium titled “Legal Education Looking Forward.” Panelists at the event will discuss current proposals for revamping, revitalizing, and reestablishing the value of law school. Paulette Brown, President-Elect of the American Bar Association, will deliver the keynote address,
Dean Demleitner is participating in a plenary panel titled “Bold Approaches to Legal Education,” with Dorothy Brown, Vice Provost, Emory; Evan Chesler, chairman, Cravath, and David Lat, Above the Law. Prof. Moliterno is on a breakout panel titled “Law School: What Return(s) on the Investment?”.
Some of the questions the symposium attempts to answer include: Is law school still economically viable? Should it last two years instead of three? Would increasing “skills classes” increase preparedness? Could an apprenticeship program or post-graduate “low bono” service clinic give students a means of building experience in a tough legal market? Do we need the bar exam?
For more information about the event, visit the Seton Hall Symposium website.