The Professional Development Committee invites AALS Sections, faculty, and informal groups of faculty to submit preliminary proposals for conferences or workshops in 2016. The Committee…
The University of Missouri is issuing a call for proposals for an upcoming works-in-progress conference as well as a call for papers for a student…
Co-hosted by: Professor Geoff Corn Professor Bobby Chesney Sponsored by: The International Committee of the Red Cross The South Texas College of Law The…
June 27-28, 2014, Stanford Law School Harvard/Stanford/Yale Law Schools announce the 15th session of the Harvard/Stanford/Yale Junior Faculty Forum to be held at Stanford Law…
Assessment Across The Curriculum Institute for Law Teaching and Learning Spring Conference 2014 Saturday, April 5, 2014 “Assessment Across the Curriculum” is a one-day…
The False Confessions Symposium is underway at Washington & Lee University School of Law in Lexington, VA. This symposium is examining the story of the…
From the Federalist Society: We are pleased to announce that the Federalist Society Faculty Division is sponsoring a new round of Junior Faculty Workshops. These workshops are intended to provide a structured—but relatively…
Call for Papers – Deadline 7 March 2014 The theme of ANZSIL’s 22nd Annual Conference has been chosen to resonate with the commemorations taking place around…
17 July (evening) to 19 July 2014/17 juillet (soir) au 19 juillet 2014 Faculty of Law and Political Science/Faculté de droit et de science politique Aix-Marseille…
The 9th International Conference on Forensic Inference and Statistics will take place from 1 to 22 August 2014 at Leiden University, the Netherlands. Leiden is a…