The JSIP Workshop offers a unique opportunity for junior scholars writing in the areas of intellectual property, communications, and cyberlaw to receive detailed commentary on…
Resistance Rising: Theorizing and Building Cross-Sector Movements Chicago, IL October 4-5, 2013 Preceded by the Junior Faculty Development Workshop on October 3, sponsored by LatCrit…
George Mason Law School Public Policy Conference on the Law & Economics of Privacy and Data Security
Wednesday, June 19, 2013 George Mason University School of Law Arlington, VA Dear Friend: I am writing to invite you to attend the Law &…
In honor of the 50th Anniversary of the “War on Poverty,” the AALS sections on Poverty Law and Clinical Legal Education will sponsor a joint…
University of Nevada Las Vegas William S. Boyd School of Law Saltman Center for Conflict Resolution Psychology and Lawyering: Coalescing the Field Friday, Feb. 21…
Wednesday, October 2 to Sunday, October 6, 2013, Lone Mountain Ranch, Big Sky, MT The George Mason Law & Economics Center (LEC) and the Property…
June 13-14, 2013, Chicago In an ever changing legal landscape, this program again promises to provide a timely and practical update on antitrust developments around…
The first of a dynamic two-part conference designed to engage the nation’s leading civil rights and racial justice advocates, including lawyers, scholars, and organizers The…
Wednesday, October 2 to Sunday, October 6, 2013, Lone Mountain Ranch, Big Sky, MT The George Mason Law & Economics Center (LEC) and the Property…
Searle Center on Law, Regulation, and Economic Growth Sixth Annual Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)-Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation Conference…