Washington and Lee law professor Margaret Hu now ranks in the top 10% of authors on SSRN by total new downloads in the last 12…
Washington and Lee Law professor Margaret Hu was a guest on NPR’s program AirTalk on Tuesday, February 7, 2017. Professor Hu, along with National Review editor…
Washington and Lee law professors Russ Miller and Margaret Hu participated in a symposium billed as a “transatlantic dialogue on the NSA Affair amongst German and…
Washington & Lee law professor Margaret Hu is welcomed as a guest blogger at Concurring Opinions this month. Concurring Opinions is a well-known legal blog…
“Biometric ID Cybersurveillance,” an article by Washington and Lee law professor Margaret Hu, recently received more than 2000 downloads from the Duke Law Scholarship Repository.…
Earlier this month at the blog Concurring Opinions, Danielle Citron reviewed Washington and Lee law professor Margaret Hu’s article, Biometric ID Cybersurveillance, 88 Indiana L.J.__ (forthcoming 2013),…