W&L Law Professor Jim Moliterno has posted his article entitled The Trouble with Lawyer Regulation on SSRN, where it has become a top 10 download in its category.…
Resistance Rising: Theorizing and Building Cross-Sector Movements Chicago, IL October 4-5, 2013 Preceded by the Junior Faculty Development Workshop on October 3, sponsored by LatCrit…
Washington and Lee law professor Timothy Jost has published “The Affordable Care Act and the Constitution: Beyond National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius” in …
On June 6, Washington and Lee law professor Susan Franck will present “The Use of Economics for Empirical Studies in Investment Arbitration” at the DISSETTLE…
George Mason Law School Public Policy Conference on the Law & Economics of Privacy and Data Security
Wednesday, June 19, 2013 George Mason University School of Law Arlington, VA Dear Friend: I am writing to invite you to attend the Law &…
Over at the Criminal Law JOTWELL, Mary Fan has reviewed Margaret Hu’s forthcoming article, Biometric ID Cybersurveillance, 88 Indiana L.J.__ (forthcoming 2013), available at SSRN. Margaret will be…
In honor of the 50th Anniversary of the “War on Poverty,” the AALS sections on Poverty Law and Clinical Legal Education will sponsor a joint…
Washington and Lee law professor Mark Drumbl will give two international presentations on his recent book examining child soldiers and international law.
Washington and Lee law professor J.D. King has published a new article titled Beyond ‘Life and Liberty’: The Evolving Right to Counsel in the Harvard…
Sheshunoff-Pratt has published a new book by James H. Pannabecker entitled Compliance Guide to the 2013 Mortgage Lending Rules.